okay so max is bored and an attention whore so we're gonna gush a little bit about what max does at work, we'll call this maxposting
12 hours overnight running huge machines on a four story assembly line making state of the art cell batteries for that guy everyone hates on twitter, i forget his name egglong mungdaal or something anyways met him a few times, really nice guy
i said i look almost 1 to 1 with my character and this 1/64th of my toxic masculinity proves it
when im NOT operating million dollar funny haha machines i spend every waking moment making music or art, sometimes i even work with engineers to draw up cool shit we could build to make things better, or when im just bored...
most of the other times im doodlin random shit or studying art or browsing ng, i blame the adderall lmao
dreams of grandeur
this would be cooler as an nft
his name is punchy, what a cunt i made him to bully people on roblox
squares lol
oops unfinished
oops unfinished 2
real actual pic of my sexy bod no its just practice lawl
anyways thats about all the image limit allows me to post so hope you had a fun time of me oversharing my life even though i said i would stop doing that, cant wait to go home and sleep byeeeeee
and merry christmas :)
Melee Christmas Maximus Noise, and whatever you do: don't make an NFT I beg of you. I know it makes muns, but there's much better things you're already focused on.